Total Returns

Monthly as of 9/30/24
End %
YTD %1YR %3YR %5YR %10YR %Since
Incep. %
Administrative (APGXX)0.373.554.793.021.891.202.22
Institutional (APKXX)0.403.885.233.362.141.452.31
Select (APNXX)0.413.945.313.432.191.442.29
End %
YTD %1YR %3YR %5YR %10YR %Since
Incep. %
Administrative (APGXX)1.173.554.793.021.891.202.22
Institutional (APKXX)1.273.885.233.362.141.452.31
Select (APNXX)1.293.945.313.432.191.442.29

Maturity Distribution (Days)

1 to 281.7%
3 to 142.7%
15 to 290.0%
30 to 590.0%
60 to 892.6%
90 to 17910.4%
180 to 3972.6%

Current Yield as of 10/31/24

7-Day Yield %7-Day Effective Yield %30-Day Yield %
Administrative (APGXX)
Institutional (APKXX)4.624.734.62
Select (APNXX)4.704.814.70

Expense Ratios as of 9/30/24

Gross Expense Ratio0.70%0.45%0.45%
Net Expense Ratio0.70%0.28%0.20%

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may e lower or higher than the performance quoted.

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