Fixed Income funds are intended to generate a total return in excess of the relevant benchmarks. Based on supply and demand and analysis, we seek to find inefficiencies in the market, potentially allowing us to take advantage of them.
Our Fixed Income management process is fundamentally driven, disciplined and value oriented. We construct portfolios using duration management, yield curve positioning, sector allocation, and security selection, and use these strategies as a blueprint to strive to earn results for you.
How We Strive To Make Fixed Income Funds Work For You:
We seek opportunities to generate returns for our investors.
We test our discoveries for relative value and associated risk. If it’s not worth it, we go back to the drawing board.
We invest in assets that have value within the current market and buy when we believe the price is right.
We monitor our investments closely. We ensure our reasoning remains valid and, if it isn’t, we return to the discovery phase.